Privacy Policy
This “Privacy Policy” explains the collection, use, and disclosure of “personal information” by Full name of the conference,hosting organization, address, through the Website that 20th WCNDT operates at http://www.20thwcndt.com / In accordanceto the Information Network Promotion Law revised in September 30, 2011 and legislated to prevent the misuse and abuse ofpersonal information on the Internet, this Privacy Policy also explains our commitment to you with respect to our use anddisclosure of the personal information that 20th WCNDT collects from its members. That commitment is contained in a “DataUsage Policy,” below. As used in this policy, “personal information” means information that would allow a party to identifyyou such as, for example, your name, address or location or email address. 20th WCNDT collects membership information inorder to provide better services to its users. By accessing www.20thwcndt.com as your ID, you are accepting and agreeing tothe practices described in this Privacy Policy.1. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal InformationWe collect information solely for the purpose of providing services to our members and facilitating our communication withthem. We do not collect or use personal information for any other purposes. The personal information provided to us by themembers makes it possible for us to deliver, based on it, more useful information selectively.Emails and Newsletters. We use the personal information you provide to us when you receive our newsletter in order torespond to your request, to reply to your email or to send you communications about news and events related to 20th WCNDTWhen you subscribe to our newsletter, your name and email address is sent to and stored by 20th WCNDT(http://www.20thwcndt.com).Registered Users. When you register to obtain a user account on www.20thwcndt.com. you may be asked to provide personalinformation to create your account and establish a password and profile. Providing your email address and/or real name isrequired. If you do provide your email address, it will allow us to send you your password if you should forget it. We willalso use that personal information to establish and maintain your membership and provide you with the features we providefor Registered Users, and for the purpose of contacting you about upcoming news and events relevant to 20th WCNDT.Any other personal information that we may collect which is not described specifically in this Privacy Policy will only becollected and used in accordance with the Principles. When the range, purpose, and use of the information collected by uschange, we will make sure to notify our members and ask for their consent beforehand.2. Range of Personal InformationOnly the minimum amount of information reasonably necessary to provide you with services should be collected andmaintained, and only for so long as reasonably needed or required; this includes their name, occupational position, e-mail,postal code and address. We may collect personal information at several places on the Website,-when you subscribe us with your personal information such as by sending an email to us or signing up to receive anewsletter or our events listing;-when you provide personal information to register to establish a user account on our Website in connection with yourparticipation in 20th WCNDT3. Maintenance and Disuse of Personal InformationInformation you provide through our Website, or that we gather as a result of your use of our Website, should not be used formarketing or advertising purposes, nor should it be provided voluntarily (without your permission) to anyone else unlessrequired. 20th WCNDT will continue to maintain and manage its members' personal information as long as they continue toreceive its services and retain their membership4. Range of Cookie UseWhen our members visit our site and their web browsers ask for cookies, 20th WCNDT Website restricts its use of cookiesonly to the information that has no potential to invade their privacy, such as browser version, monitor information, operatingsystem version, and information related to log-in (www.20thwcndt.com)25. Security Management for Personal information20th WCNDT has implemented reasonable measures to protect against unauthorized access to and unlawful interception orprocessing of personal information that 20th WCNDT stores and controls. However, no website can fully eliminate securityrisks. We will post a reasonably prominent notice to the Website if any such security breach occurs. User ID has securityrisks in addition to those described above. Among other things, User ID is vulnerable to DNS attacks, and using ID mayincrease the risk of phishing.6. Data Usage PolicyOur Data Usage Policy covers how we maintain and use information about you that is collected by our Website and serverlogs, including when you log into a website using your 20th WCNDT ID. Non Personal Browsing Information We Collect.When you use the Website, our servers may collect information automatically (through, for example, the use of your “IPaddress”) about your activities while visiting the Website and information about the browser you are using. In addition,whenever you use your 20th WCNDT ID to log into our Website, our server keep a log of the websites you visit.No Linking. We do not intentionally link browsing information or information from our server logs to the personalinformation you submit to us. We use this information for internal purposes only, such as to help understand how theWebsites are being used, to improve our Website and the features we provide, and for systems administration purposes.No Selling or Sharing. Except in the unique situations identified in this Privacy Policy, 20th WCNDT does not sell orotherwise voluntarily provide the non-personal browsing information we collect about you or your website usage to thirdparties.No Retention. 20th WCNDT discards non personal browsing information from our server logs once we have used theinformation for the limited purposes noted above, under “No Linking.”Notice. If 20th WCNDT is required to provide a third party with your non personal browsing information, then, 20th WCNDTwill use reasonable means to notify you promptly of that event, unless 20th WCNDT is prohibited by law from doing so or isotherwise advised not to notify you on the advice of legal counsel.Any other non-personal information that we collect which is not described specifically in this Privacy Policy will only becollected and used in accordance with the Principles.7. ChildrenThe Website is not directed at children under the age of 14. We will never knowingly request personal information fromanyone under the age of 14 without requiring parental consent. Our Master Terms of Use specifically prohibit anyone usingour Website from submitting any personally identifiable information about persons under 14 years of age. Any person whoprovides their personal information to 20th WCNDT through the Website represents that they are 14 years of age or older8. Changes and Updates to this Privacy PolicyWe may occasionally update this Privacy Policy. When we do, we will also revise the Effective Date below. We encourageyou to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about how we are protecting the personal information wecollect. Your continued use of the Website constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any updates.9. Responsibility for Security BreachMembers are responsible for the security of the passwords for their membership accounts. 20th WCNDT never asks itsmembers for their passwords, either through mail or any other methods. Under no circumstances should you ever discloseyour password. We ask that you pay particular attention when you are logged in, in order to ensure that your personalinformation is not divulged to others.If you have any concerns or suggestions about our Privacy Policy and management of your personal information, please donot hesitate to contact our representatives listed below through email or phone, and we will respond to you as expeditiously aspossible.If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at registration@wcndt2020.com